UNEARTH Gatehouse
Conceptual Development
Sequence of Spaces
Interior/Exterior Renders
Sound Space Technical Perspective
1:500 Site Model
1:100 Concrete Interventions
UNEARTH Gatehouse
Jesmond Dene, Newcastle upon Tyne
A route consisting of four architectural interventions designed to heighten ones experience of the Dene’s natural qualities despite its close proximity to a dense urban area through a series
Conceptual Development
Human Counterpoint
A sculptural piece created from wood accompanied by 6 pen drawings. Created through analysis of Jesmond Dene site, highlighting how the horizontal manmade interventions provide counterpoint to the otherwise vertical nature of the valleys natural form. Bar-codes created from single lines of pixels in digital photos of each site locate the drawings on the main wooden deconstruction of the valley.
Organised Nature
A series of casting experiments analysing the over-rationalised mindset formed as a product of the Dene’s close proximity to the city centre. Through casting various naturally occurring objects into rectangular slabs , the piece shows the destructive power the ‘city mindset’ can have on the perception of a natural area.
Sequence of Spaces
Gallery Space
Gallery Space lies at the beginning of the route to act as an introduction for users to the purpose of the route and familiarise them with the visual language of the scheme in a more familiar environment. Sculptural installations will also feature with the objective of pushing this point further. A tunnel at the South side of the exterior courtyard provides the first sensory experience, visual, playing on the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ motif.
Sound Space
An anechoic chamber immediately follows a reverberation chamber in this space concerned with providing a cleansing aural experience, heightening the users experience of the sounds of the Dene as they exit .
Textural Space
A sheltered textually oriented space carves its way into the terrain as visitors are guided down through the layers of sediment, passing increasingly large rocks and boulders before they are met with a large oculus above them, and a light capturing well beneath them.
Reflection Space
A sheltered fire pit is enclose by a monolithic concrete tower sat into the flooded quarry at the end of the route. This gives users the opportunity to sit and reflect in a very primal way, making use of the cleansed head-space created by both the Dene and interventions.
Interior/Exterior Renders
Sound Space Technical Perspective
1:500 Site Model
1:100 Concrete Interventions